Unleash the power of your muscles! Our interactive mindmap unravels the secrets of skeletal muscles. Explore elasticity, extensibility, and contractility with engaging visuals
Here is a detailed comprehensive mind map of the physiology topic "Properties of Skeletal Muscles":
Central Idea: Properties of Skeletal Muscles
Main Branches:
- Contractile Properties
- Elastic Properties
- Electrophysiological Properties
- Metabolic Properties
1. Contractile Properties
- Contractility
- Characteristics: Ability to generate force, shorten, and move joints
- Functions: Movement, posture, balance
- Tonus
- Characteristics: State of partial contraction, maintains muscle tone
- Functions: Posture, balance, movement
- Plasticity
- Characteristics: Ability to adapt to changes in muscle length and tension
- Functions: Movement, posture, balance
2. Elastic Properties
- Elasticity
- Characteristics: Ability to stretch and return to original shape
- Functions: Movement, posture, balance
- Viscoelasticity
- Characteristics: Combination of elastic and viscous properties
- Functions: Movement, posture, balance
- Compliance
- Characteristics: Ability to deform under stress
- Functions: Movement, posture, balance
3. Electrophysiological Properties
- Excitability
- Characteristics: Ability to respond to electrical stimuli
- Functions: Muscle contraction, movement
- Conductivity
- Characteristics: Ability to transmit electrical signals
- Functions: Muscle contraction, movement
- Refractoriness
- Characteristics: Period of inexcitability after muscle contraction
- Functions: Muscle relaxation, recovery
4. Metabolic Properties
- Energy Production
- Characteristics: Ability to generate energy through ATP production
- Functions: Muscle contraction, movement
- Fatigue
- Characteristics: Decreased muscle performance due to energy depletion
- Functions: Muscle recovery, rest
- Recovery
- Characteristics: Restoration of energy stores and muscle function
- Functions: Muscle recovery, rest
This mind map provides a comprehensive overview of the properties of skeletal muscles, including contractile, elastic, electrophysiological, and metabolic properties.
Each branch and sub-branch provides a clear and concise way to organize and understand the different characteristics and functions of skeletal muscles.